10 Oct 2008

a nighty talk

oh god .i realy would like to see a day when i am writing on this webloge in english, talking and descusting and tell my points.but wait, supaus i have million readers, why i should write and tell my points, what the hell i may talk, am i need this? Is it interesting and its a kind of fun or it is becouse i am fallowing others whose doing this kind of stuffs. Honestly i have no damn idea what i am doing with this million( i own just the o of million) veiwer freee blog. Maybe becouse its free, yes this is write.i will not give a sheet to google for this service.u know the problem is not service its me. Yeah i am the problem since i remember my self. Its just for practising english and telling (others),look i am filling this blog with easy and basic words which a 10 years old child of shuifat school also can do this. But its night and i have no body just me to crossing the orange lines of my life.why not ? Its 100% free

9 Oct 2008


temptation is something usefull ore it rooled all time with wrong ways?
i realy dont know. its hard to seprate temtations and wants of a person
anyone has its particular goals and try to acheave it , i think temptation in a good insentive for accomplishing this goals. but its also somthing wrong with it , may be this factore reaches to the point that makes you neglect moral activities
especially if it be a big acheavement, we are living in the oceans of temptations , especially in the athmospher of unhonest relationships. this happenes more in partnership businesses when a guy wants to acheave somthing that builded with group work and as take the acheavment alone.
i hope that temptation don't make us blind

29 Jul 2008

Beating procrastination

if you've found yourself putting off important tasks over and over again,you're not alone.in fact,many people procrastinate(stall,delay,put off) to some degree -but some are so constanly affected by procrastinating that it stops them acheiving things they're capable of and disrupts (interrupt) their careers.
thekey to controlling and ultimatly fighting this destructive habit is to recognize when you start procrastinating, understand why it happens , and take active steps to better manage your time and outcomes.